Digital Curation and Preservation: research agenda for the next decade
The final report and recommendations of the Warwick Workshop on "Digital Curation and Preservation: Defining the research agenda for the next decade" can now be downloaded as a PDF file from:
This British Library/CCLRC/DCC/JISC sponsored workshop was held in November 2005, and focused on three main strands in parallel breakout sessions and group discussions. Each breakout group considered one of the following topics:
Curation Services and Technologies;
Drivers and Barriers (policy issues);
and Data Life Cycle Management (process issues).
Each session was chaired by a leading expert on the topic and the groups were asked to consider the topic in relation to the following categories: the scope and definition of each topic, the current state of play nationally and internationally; what the vision was likely to be over the next 5 to 10 years; what we needed to do to achieve this vision; what were the dependencies on which achievement of the vision would be based, and what were the priorities.